
ITS 24 Horiz Full Logo

Session Recordings Now Available!

August 6 - In Person
Keynotes, presentations, networking, and more 
Watch Now

August 7 - Virtual 
Workshops and presentations with remote livestreams 
Watch Now


The IT Summit is designed for professionals within the University of Arizona and UAGC communities who either directly serve or provide support for IT operations on campus, open to a diverse range of attendees, including:

  • Administrative and Business IT professionals
  • IT Analysts, Managers, Project Managers, and Program Managers
  • Network Systems Administrators
  • Information Support and Services Specialists
  • Programming and Software Developers
  • Web and Applications Developer/Administrators
  • System Administrators
  • Instructional Technologists
  • Research Computing Specialists
  • System and Desktop Support Technicians and Specialists

Review last year's IT Summit

View IT Summit 2023