In 2018, for the first time, the IT Summit will host a HackFest on Workshop Day
Wednesday, November 7, 2018
Main Library room 112A
The HackFest offers participants the opportunity to work with colleagues from across campus to develop creative solutions to challenging problems.
Want to collaborate with others to develop creative solutions to perplexing problems? Then you should attend the IT Summit HackFest! There are plenty of opportunities for everyone to participate—the only requirements are creativity and a desire to work on problems in a collaborative environment.
8:00 - 8:15 - Welcome, introductions, overview of the day
8:15 - 8:30 - Teams assemble
8:30 - 11:30 - Teams work on projects
11:30 - 12:30 - Break for lunch
12:30 - 12:45 - Brief status check with teams - how are things going?
12:45 - 4:15 - Teams continue working on projects
4:15 - 4:45 - Teams present outcomes, wrap-up
Why Participate?
The IT Summit HackFest presents a unique opportunity to collaborate with your peers, engage in idea generation, and build community through creative problem solving. HackFest will provide teams with technical advisors and facilities and technological resources for brainstorming and prototyping solutions. Join us for uninterrupted time to be creative and work collaboratively on challenging problems and a great chance to learn new things and broaden your horizons!
Pre-register by October 23 for:
- reserved lunch
- HackFest T shirt
Technical (e.g., programmers, architects, design specialists) and nontechnical (e.g., business process experts, domain data experts, project management professionals) participants are welcome!
Your team will tackle a specific challenge, with the goal being to develop some sort of artifact that models a potential solution. At the end of the day, your team will present the artifact and give a short talk on how you addressed your challenge.
HackFest 2018 Challenges
- Digital Literacy (Adobe Creative Cloud) Assignment Hack
These half- and/or full-day hackfest groups will support a UA faculty member who will be revising and/or incorporating an assignment in their course that takes advantage of students’ site license access to Adobe Creative Cloud suite.
- Driver Assist HackFest Challenge:
Unfortunately, every year, around 37K individuals die in motor vehicle accidents alone in the U.S. Distracted driving is the top cause of car accidents today. Using recent technologies for assisting drivers in novel ways can help in decreasing this number. Even small improvements in road safety and vigilance can play a big role in the overall impact. This hackathon focuses on developing proof-of-concept mobile application or augmented reality prototypes that aim to assist drivers for increased road safety and vigilance. Participants can use any platform they want.
Hardware provided: Three cardboard virtual reality headsets to be repurposed as a form of augmented reality device, by using the camera stream of a mobile phone.
Teams: Individuals who have already been registered to the HackFest or walk-in applicants from all disciplines, who have relevant skill sets such as the following: programming, design, art production (3D models, animations, 2D visuals), information. The teams are recommended to be composed of 3-6 individuals of diverse skill sets.
- Generate NSF “Collaborators & Other Affiliations” Report for grant proposals from existing collaborator listings
When applying for grants, faculty/researchers/students need to be able to generate a list of prior collaborators (based on other grants, publications, projects, etc.) Creating this listing manually and formatting for the various proposal forms can be time consuming and laborious. Given our increasing system integrations, this project will assess an already available collaborator report in .csv format and convert the data into the proper structure to match the COA template provided by the National Science Foundation. The goal would be to take the developed code and host the conversion tool allowing all faculty the ability to quickly parse and generate a first pass at the COA report.
Contact the IT Summit 2018 HackFest subcommittee at hackfest-2018@list.arizona.edu