Expanding Your Impact: Identifying Opportunities Through Understanding the Value Chain

As we work to solve problems, we often have a very specific customer in mind. But often, if we think more broadly about how we’re providing value, opportunities arise to solve much bigger problems and expand our impact. In this presentation and discussion, we’ll focus on the stories of three campus IT projects that started as solutions to UA research problems, but through working with Tech Launch Arizona and developing a wider understanding of the value chain, have evolved into successful startups with products that are affecting the lives of people around the nation.

Through telling the stories of UA-created solutions 1) the medication therapy management system (licensed by startup SinfoníaRx), Scholarship Universe (which was licensed to CampusLogic) and a unique student information/D2L integration system (which has become UA startup FishTail Technologies), attendees will learn how to understand the value chain, and how the solutions we develop for localized problems can have a much greater impact through commercial pathways.





Web & Application Development