Sponsorship Opportunities

Showcase Your Solutions.
Strengthen Connections.

We're offering sponsorship opportunities on September 30 to innovative IT-related vendors relevant to our IT Summit and attendees.

We have a range of sponsorship options available to suit your organization's budget.

Each sponsorship level gives you the opportunity to meet with our IT professionals and showcase your company or organization by participating in the Atrium exhibit area or by being closer to the action in the Main Ballroom. 

  • Main Ballroom
    • Location for Breakfast, lunch, keynote, etc.
    • Diamond and Sapphire sponsorships are sited inside the ballroom, along with all the action
  • Atrium (Lobby)
    • Check-in Area
    • High foot traffic from attendees traveling to and from sessions
    • Turquoise sponsorships receive a table here

IT Summit 2025 Sponsorship Levels

  • One 10’x10’ exhibit space in Main Ballroom with draped table and chairs 
  • Opportunity for five company representatives as fully registered attendees 
  • Company recognized at podium 
  • Sponsor recognition for chosen Catering & Networking event
  • Half hour 1:1 meeting with UITS Executive Leader for business area
  • Company logo on event website, digital and print media 
  • Company description (50 words) on event website 
  • Opportunity to distribute branded item(s) (pens, notepads, etc. ~500 items) 
  • Opportunity to provide prize for drawing 

As a Diamond level sponsor you can choose to sponsor one of our Catering and Networking events. Catering sponsors receive program, podium, and table signage recognition for their sponsorship plus additional benefits.  

Choose from one of the following:

  • Lunch Sponsor  
  • Breakfast Sponsor 
  • Breaks and Networking Reception Sponsor 

Contact itsummit@arizona.edu to reserve the catering sponsorship you wish to be recognized for.

  • One 10’x10’ exhibit space in Main Ballroom with draped table and chairs 
  • Opportunity for four company representatives as fully registered attendees 
  • Company logo on event website, digital and print media 
  • Company description (50 words) on event website 
  • Opportunity to distribute branded item(s) (pens, notepads, etc. ~500 items) 
  • Opportunity to provide prize for drawing 

  • One 8’ exhibit draped table in the Atrium exhibit area 
  • Opportunity for two company representatives as fully registered attendees 
  • Company logo on event website, digital and print media 
  • Company description (50 words) on event website 
  • Opportunity to distribute branded item(s) (pens, notepads, etc. ~500 items) 
  • Opportunity to provide prize for drawing 

Got any promotional ideas that you feel our attendees would like to receive from you? Partner up with us!  

We are looking for Partners who commit to design, order, pay for, and ship their items to our IT Summit for distribution and promotion. Choose from one of the following categories to ensure our attendees walk away from our event with your promotional items. Participation as a Promotional Partner must be approved by IT Summit organizers. 

  • Swag bag sponsor
  • T Shirts sponsor
  • Swag sponsor (other promotional items)

Promotional partners are required to contribute at least 400 pieces.  

Promotional item design/imprint must contain IT Summit logo(s) along with sponsor logo/artwork. Item and artwork must be reviewed and approved by IT Summit organizers. 

Contact itsummit@arizona.edu to discuss Promotional Partnership options.

Your sponsorship should qualify as a business expense tax deduction.