Teaching & Learning Lightning Round

Connecting Online/Hybrid Courses with Community Partnerships
Online/hybrid and service learning courses are becoming increasingly popular. Learn how to merge them to support community engagement, leadership, and student learning. Hear about ways to use technology to communicate between multiple spaces and students in order to learn about local issues for global outcomes. [Emily Jo was not able to present at the summit. Her slides are included in the material below.]

Student Perspectives On the Use of Interactive Video Lectures Delivered via PlayPosit
What do students think about interactive video lectures? Find out the results of a study in four online social science courses. Each course included PlayPosit video lectures with active learning opportunities, including embedded open- and closed-ended questions. Sneak peek: Preliminary findings have been highly favorable.

Creating 360 Virtual Reality Educational Experiences
Find out how to use a spherical camera with a virtual reality head-mounted display to create 360 educational videos. Once inspired, you can borrow the equipment from the UA Libraries! You'll also hear about challenges related to the content creation process and benefits of using virtual reality 360 videos for teaching and learning.

A Tool to Assist Faculty Learning of Student Names
Find out how a faculty member partnered with staff to create a tool that faculty can use to learn student names, cold call on students, and take attendance. Get inspired to think creatively about other tools that could be developed that would make your job more satisfying and effective.





Teaching & Learning